With years of experience in supplying exceptional quality pellets, Mansoor Chemicals ensures low investment risk and high profitability in the realization of projects for the supply of pellets nationwide. Our team of experts is renowned for its patented pelletizing modules which are characterized by high-quality technology and advanced ease of use.
Additionally, Mansoor Chemicals offers key supply technologies for pellet plants like components for preprocessing of wood fibers, storage and conveyance. To build innovative concepts, we take advantage of the basic conditions and the local project specific circumstances to create an efficient and economical supply chain medium for pellets.
Mansoor Chemical offers a comprehensive range of supply chain services for the entire life cycle of pellet from the initial consultation on the project idea to support for operational process optimization in the current supply chain line.
We stand behind our supply chain pellet projects, therefore if our clients ever have any problems, we are here to answer the queries. Moreover, we carry a large inventory of alternate and general maintenance replacement parts during the pellet supply chain procedure.
We have the expertise, experience & supply chain management systems to deliver premium quality exceptional pellets nationwide to all our customers in the public, private & commercial sectors. Mansoor chemicals supply premium quality bulk blown pellets that are manufactured to the highest quality specification. All our pellets that are supplied to clients are up to standard, authorized and quality assured for low emissions, trouble-free heating with high energy value. Our expertise of the field delivers specialized pellet delivery that is certified to the highest quality standard.
Mansoor Chemicals ensures that all our pellets are supplied with sustainably sourced certified pellets, with a low moisture content that is considered ideal fuel for our client’s pellet business, whether they are consuming it for their home or their business. We understand the critical importance of continuous pellet supply at a competitive price in the market. Our team will take the time to evaluate site access and supply facilities to ensure that our clients receive the optimum bulk delivery.
The pellets supplied are blown from our specialist vehicles for larger kilos and are tailored to the client’s requirement and to suit their demand. Our bulk blown pellet deliveries operate nationwide in Pakistan by our drivers who are of the most experienced in the market and are specially trained in bulk blown pellet deliveries. All our pellets are supplied to the highest quality A1 specification, which is accredited through certified supply chain procedures. This means we ensure a trouble-free pellet supply with high energy value.
Our pellets supplied includes sartans, taste masked (bitter less raw material) ready for use suspension, and gastrointestinal (proton pump inhibitor).